By aligning with nature, we can help mother earth and expand our intuitive abilities into the universe. The language of nature, otherwise known as Earth Wisdom, offers subtle yet powerful messages of hope and healing.

This intrinsic connection evokes a deep desire to want to protect every living thing, and this positive energy creates momentum that benefits the collective energy for all.

As a writer, artist, and spiritual seeker, my interests have been merging with the natural world since I was a child. Playing in my backyard was where I formed a strong respect for my environment at a young age. I was the kid who discovered ground bees while digging in the dirt, and watched ants march into the cracks of sidewalks and wondered what they were doing. I also swung on my swing for hours and stared up at the sky, touching the clouds with my toes.

These memories have stuck with me for my entire life. Now as an adult, it doesn’t surprise me that I’m drawn to Shamanism.  Through direct personal experience, working with the principles of Shamanism expands your abilities to be able to intuitively sense, and work with the spirits of nature. These Nature Allies are always ready to assist us, and through Shamanic principles we are able to connect on much deeper levels with the wisdom of the earth.

I think all I’ve ever wanted to do was align my energy with the universe and see where it took me…. Find my true path then walk it. I hope to be able to work with you on your path of spiritual self discovery, and connecting with mother earth.

 Spiritual Training

2024 – Animal Communication Mastery Certification

2024 – Shamanic Art Life Coach Certification

2023 – Anam Sidhe Fairy Energy Attunement

2023 – Ayurveda Course 

2022 – Mediumship Advanced Training 

2021 – Takata Reiki Teacher Certification  

2021 – Mantras & Mudras Certification 

2021 – Angel Psychic Certification 

2021 – Meditation Instructor Certification  

2021 – Nusta Karpay Rites Goddess Energy Attunement 

2020 – Akashic Records Practitioner Certification  

2017 – Shamanic Healing Certification    

2016 – Life After Life Workshop with Dr. Raymond Moody 

2015 – Mediumship Training 

2013 – Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master Teacher Certification  

2013 – Elemental & Nature Spirits Training 

2013 – Shamanic Journey Training 

2012 – Animal Reiki Practitioner Certification 

2012 – Animal Communication Certification 

2012 – Munay-Ki Rites Earthkeepers Energy Attunement

2011 – Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki ICRT Certification Levels I, II, III 

Sacred Purple Swan Meaning

The Sacred Purple Swan is a mystical animal combining the essence of the swan with the color purple. It is associated with the medicine wheel within Native American culture, the Celtic Goddess Brigid, Apollo the Greek god, and is also a symbol of transcendence in Buddhist and Taoist traditions.   As an Animal Totem, it represents self-reflection and enhances one’s own unique qualities. The Sacred Purple Swan encourages creativity, imagination, and spiritual evolution.