Online Workshops ~ Book Directly with Jill


Animal Totem Workshop ~ 60 Minutes $25 

Animal Totems align us with our Highest Self by integrating the energetic qualities of the animal with our energy. Our Animal Totem sees our potential, highlights our best qualities, and helps us to align with our true purpose in life. Be it personal or professional goals, love relationships, or the relationship with one’s self, Animal Totems are here to help. Animal Totems are the keepers of wisdom closest to the earth and blend with the principles of Shamanism to guide us on our journey.

In this workshop, I will take you on a guided Shamanic Journey to meet your Animal Totem. Afterwards, there will be time to journal the information you received as well as to discuss how to Shamanic Journey for yourself. I will give suggestions for how to make artwork to honor your Animal Totem, create Sacred Space, and personalize your own meditative practice.

Workshop Outline:

*Welcome Blessing
*Opening Guided Meditation
*How to create Sacred Space for meditation.
*What Animal Totems are, and how they assist us.
*What is Shamanism?
*Guided Shamanic Journey to meet your Animal Totem.
*How to Shamanic Journey on your own.
*Suggestions for creating artwork to honor your Animal Totem.
*Closing Guided Meditation


Animal Communication Workshop ~ 60 Minutes $25 

Learn how to use specific meditative techniques to create a bridge of communication between you and your pet.  Using photographs of your animal with their eyes open, we’ll practice how to develop intuition, discern information, and understand animals on a spiritual level.  This is a fun and informative workshop, all skill levels are welcome.

Animals are naturally telepathic, in fact this is how they communicate. Through decades of domestication, animals have had to adapt to living with humans, and in turn, have become important family members.  Because of this, our pets offer unique opportunities for helping us to achieve greater spiritual awareness simply be being in their presence.

Every pet comes into your life when you need them to the most.  Many examples of animals helping people, exist throughout history, but nothing’s more important than how animals assist us in opening our Heart Chakra.

It is through compassion we evolve spiritually, and animals help us to do this.  Animal Intuition not only offers your pet the opportunity to speak, but it also increases your awareness of how to be a better caretaker, companion, and friend.

How to Make a Despacho Workshop

~ 60 Minutes $25

In this workshop we’ll learn how to make a Despacho to honor mother earth. Rooted in Shamanism, Despachos are created with a variety of sweets and seeds, along with organic materials such as flowers, leaves, and sticks. The bundles are infused with intentions and prayers, then wrapped in biodegradable paper like a present as a sacred offering to Mother Earth.

Workshop Outline:

*Opening Blessing
*What is a Despacho?
*Materials used in a Despacho.
*Creating a Despacho
*Intention & Prayer
*Closing Meditation

Oracles of Nature Workshop

~ 60 Minutes $25

In this workshop we’ll discuss how to recognize the oracles of nature and incorporate earth’s energy into your everyday life. The first bird you see out of your window in the morning is an ambassador of nature, an oracle giving you support. Being outside and incorporating meditation, will help you to merge with the energy of nature more fully. Listening to the wisdom of the trees, the plants, the sky, clouds, and wildlife surrounding you offers ways to more fully connect with Mother Earth and yourself. Shamanic techniques will be discussed.

Workshop Outline:

*Opening Blessing
*What are Oracles?
*How does Nature speak to us?
*Paying attention to wildlife.
*Intuitive exercise
*Meditation to connect with nature.
*Closing Blessing

Spiritual Toolbox Workshop ~ 60 Minutes $25

Workshop Outline ~ Learn How To:

*Smudge – Energetically cleanse a space through burning sage and offering intentions for purposeful meditation.

*Open & Close Sacred Space – To achieve an energetically balanced and blessed spiritual space for meditative practice.

*Use Zen Design within your home – To bring more positive energy into your personal space and into your life.

*Meditate – To enhance your meditative practice with intention, visualization, and breathing techniques.

*Incorporate Shamanic techniques – To connect with Mother Earth and yourself.

Creating a Fairy Portal Workshop ~ 60 Minutes $25

In this workshop we will learn how to create a Fairy Portal in nature.  Fairies are true stewards of the earth. They exist in another dimension, infusing their wisdom with us to honor Mother Earth. Their energy aligns with nature to encourage mindful, environmental practices, and sustainable growth without the use of pesticides or other chemicals. Learn how to incorporate Shamanic techniques to create a bond, and open communication with the Fairy Realm.

Workshop Outline:

*Opening Blessing
*The mythology of Fairies.
*Meditation to connect with Fairies.
*Creating a Fairy Portal, step by step.
*Closing Meditation