Code of Ethics

I continue to educate myself to maintain and enhance my skills within the holistic wellness community.

I believe my clients are equal partners within providing Reiki, Animal Reiki, Intuitive Readings & Shamanic Offerings.

I will always conduct myself in the most courteous and honorable manner, with integrity, sensitivity, and tact. I recognize that Reiki, Animal Reiki, Intuitive Readings, and Shamanic Offerings are not intended to replace any necessary medical or psychiatric treatments for people, or veterinary care for animals.

I respect the confidentiality of all personal information shared by the client, as well as on behalf of the animal client. I will always ask for permission regarding the printing of any testimonials in relation to my businesses Hello Inner You, and Sacred Purple Swan.

I do not diagnose, or suggest any kind of advice that I am not trained to offer. Whatever suggestions that are made regarding a person or an animal is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is the responsibility of the client to decide what action is to be taken with themselves or their animal based on their own decision. I honor and respect the role of health care and veterinary professionals and will not interfere with their treatments or advice. I am aware that I do not have the knowledge or skills of doctors. I do not claim to be able to cure any problem within Reiki, Animal Reiki, Intuitive Readings, or Shamanic Workshops, or Events, but rather to offer comfort through natural energy balance and spiritual messages.

Code of Ethics

The Five Reiki Principles:

  • Just For Today I Will Not Be Angry
  • Just For Today I Will Not Worry
  • Just For Today I Will Be Grateful
  • Just For Today I Will Be Honest In My Work
  • Just For Today I Will Be Kind To Myself And Every Living Thing